Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information

We share information in ways that may qualify as a “sale or “share” of personal information under California privacy laws (in this context “sharing” means cross contextual behavioral advertising). These situations are as described in the Privacy Notice for California Consumers – California Privacy Rights. This Privacy Notice also describes the right of California consumers to opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information.

To the extent our site makes use of third-party advertising cookies or similar technologies, such activities generally qualify as a “sale” or “share” of personal information under California privacy laws (in this context “sharing” means cross contextual behavioral advertising). Nevertheless, we provide users the ability to direct the use of such cookies via our cookies banner such that we do not currently sell or share your personal information in this context or otherwise. You can make those choices here.

For other situations, California consumers can opt out by completing and submitting the form below or by calling us at 1-972-295-9100 or emailing us at: